Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gotta Keep Up the Posting!

So this post is dedicated to the Laskos. Because The Michael said that I had ALMOST earned back my link. And because The Nicole said my pictures weren't dramatic enough. I tried to explain that they weren't BEFORE and AFTER pictures. They were just PROGRESS pictures... so to please The Michael and The Nicole, I have posted again with real DRAMATIC PHOTOS.

I went looking for some full length pics, and had a difficult time... well, because when you're not happy with your weight, you tend to take a lot of head shots.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Script Frenzy

So I'm sitting here all by my lonesome at the RC Cafe. Let's just say Script Frenzy people are not as talkative as NaNoWriMo's. Sigh. At least I'm getting a lot of writing done! Woot. Page 60!

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's Official

I gots me a brand new passport!

It came in the mail on Friday. Strangely, my old one came today... in a separate envelope. Oh, the wonderful nature of the Federal Government.

My new one is all teched out. It's all digimacated and everythin'!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Open House and Pool Construction

So for some strange reason, they decided to tear out the pool and reline it so our apartment has been construction zone for the past few weeks. At least now they're in the middle of refilling it with a garden hose. The water has now reached the bottom step. I've been watching it progress for the past two days.

On a different note, tonight was also Open House. I decided to buy a new dress for the occasion. Didn't break last year's record, (only 9) but parents were pretty chatty. Though what do you tell a parent when the child has a 23%, is practically illiterate, refuses to sit in his seat, and is a bully? I've long since stopped sugar coating bad behaviour.

But at least I looked pretty.