Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dismalworld Planning

So we're at Natalie's making a banner for Jule. Apparently she sticks it up on the wall at work and brags for a while. Personally, I think bragging after running a marathon and a half is acceptable, but then I don't work with her. hehehe. Anyway, Nat has a very cute new black lab puppy who is very well behaved named Starbuck... after the fighter pilot, not the coffee. Not to mention her very cute Packet and Ping, and Cowcat, who I've yet to see. Anyway, got to get off to makin' stuff and researchin' museums for tomorrow. La!

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's Almost NaNoTime!

So I'm probably one of the very few who get excited about October 1. Not my birthday, or anniversary, or any such nonsense.

I love it because it marks one month before National Novel Writing Month. It's the day they open the forums, and update the website. And suddenly I will have a huge bunch of people to procrastinate with on my lunch hour.

And a month to come up with an idea. So far it's The Memoirs of a Slightly Psychic English Teacher - a novel.

I don't know much about it, except an English teacher walks into the office of the new vice principal and sees it clearly written across his forhead that he's The One. But then she realizes he's wearing a wedding ring... dun dun dah! He's also wearing a kilt, but that's neither here nor there.

On a Non Nano Note: Our internet connection has been screwy the past week. Driving me crazy!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Good News, Bad News, Duh News

Got my CSET test results back, and found that my $77x3 was not wasted. I passed all three history subtests. Suprisingly, I did the worst on the US Geography section, and the best on Civics, Econ, and CA History. As for the last of the three, I must say that being a CA Flag Bearer for a year (Rainbow stuff) probably helped.

The bad news is you almost need a PhD to figure out how to read the state web site in order to officially add history on to my credential. I spent an hour trying to figure it out on Monday. I finally realized that you use the same application as the original credential. You just have to ignore all the dire warnings about fingerprints and transcripts.

Duh News: There are some strange district codes that I need for the application. A colleague mentioned yesterday that I should call the credential specialist at the district. Duh. Totally forgot that a district of 6000 teachers would have someone whose job it was just to sort out the mess of the CTC.

Five minutes later: "You haven't filled out that application yet? We prefer you use ours and send it directly to us. We'll take care of the rest for you."


Now that I've gone through all the trouble, I bet I'm gonna get shafted somewhere along the line. It usually happens in October, when they're short a class. "We'll just combine these two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CLASSES in one and give you an extra!"
What the hay! I'm only teaching six preps right now. Bring on seven!

Pessimistic, aren't I?

Friday, August 18, 2006

Note to Self

When getting ambitious and making your own frosting from scratch, do not use baking chocolate that has sat in a box next to the cumin for a year. While cumin goes wonderfully with some things (potatoes for example) Chocolate Cream Cheese Cumin Frosting is not particularly tasty.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Phantom Goes to the Opera, and School Dreams

So last night, Liz and I went to Arcadia, which feels like it's in the middle of nowhere, but Liz assured me was actually next door to Pasadena. That's where the LA arboretum is located, and although the only thing we saw of the place was the concert lawn, it looks like a place we might want to go back to.

After we hiked in to the park, Liz was in her "annoyed" mode, as she couldn't locate any signs. There was one guy we asked for directions, and he was trying to be helpful. He wanted to get us a volunteer to carry some of our stuff. I think this made Liz feel like an old lady, as she bristled and walked away. Undaunted, this guy started yelling for a volunteer, and sent this young girl scrambling after us up the hill. I politely turned her down, but all of it was quite awkward.

On the fringes of the lawn, there were lots of fowl wildlife, (note fowl, not foul). The cutest thing were the two baby peacocks, following after their mom, scratching in the weeds. They were drawing quite a crowd, but Annoyed Lizzie was too busy avoiding the volunteer for me to stop and join the crowd and watch for a bit.

Once we settled down on our blanket, opened the wine, and ate dinner, things worked out well. We were the envy of the blanket next to us when we pulled out the pumpkin pie. Yum.

The program was pieces of opera run through with Andrew Lloyd Webber. There were selections from Evita, Cats, Sunset Blvd, and Phantom as well as The Barber of Seville, and the Bartered Bride. The conductor was a little loopy in his explanations of the theme. He tried to explain how the US was older than Italy or Germany, and he didn't do it very well. Overall, it was quite enjoyable.

We got home and the two glasses of wine put me right to bed. Snooooooze. That's when I had my Back to School Dreams. They happen every year around this time without fail. I'm usually wandering around an unfamiliar school trying to find my classroom and students, but failing miserably. This particular one was the first day of school dream. I had no class lists, and only five minutes between periods to find my mailbox. And then I couldn't find my classroom again. But look, it's a door with my name printed on it. Ominous, but okay, hey let's go in. Oh look, it's my classroom, but it's cavernous and there are other teachers here. Wait a minute these are supposed to be ELD kids, not student council kids. Argh!

I wake up and my arm is sore because Ed has stuck his fat self in the crook of it. He cries when I readjust and looks very put out. Man, what time is it? Probably 6:00 like the time I woke up yesterday. Nope 8. That's acceptable... I suppose.


Friday, August 11, 2006

Hell must have just frozen over.

I think I just got a promotion.


Still reeling.

Of course I only got it, because no one else wants the job, but hey, it makes me feel appreciated!

I get to be in charge of something, not just a lolely prawn on the food chain.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I have to go to work tomorrow.

It's depressing. I need to set my alarm for EARLY tomorrow so I can be in North Long Beach at 8:00. 8:00! Argh. You know what that means... it means that my lazy days of getting up at 9 and hanging out are over. Summer has slipped by and August is well into its cycle.

So what have I been doing? Slacking off. Hey, I work really hard during most of the year. And I seriously needed a break from the ones who will no doubt be waiting to terrorize me again in a month.

So tomorrow I get to hang out with teachers and be taught how to teach writing to kids who can't speak the language. The hanging out with teachers is the best part of it. Get my gears recharged and whatnot.

So today I decided to make t-shirts. If I can find them, that is. I bought them. They're in a Target bag around here somewhere. And I found the iron ons. I haven't looked very hard for them though. I thought I'd make one that actually spelled out ELD, as even teachers at the school reply, "Oh, special ed." Duh. I think I understand why Mel was so mad when people responded, "Oh, like where the Mounties are from!" when she told them she was from Kansas. Eye Roll.

I will again promise to be more faithful in blogging. But considering my average posting is lately is once a month, we'll see how long this lasts. Maybe in the next post, I'll tell you about my new screenplay. Yeah, that's a plan. I'd tell you know, but a certain sister of mine complained once that my posts were too long, so I thought I'd break them up a bit. ;)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Accomplishments (And Other Things)

I feel quite accomplished today. Of course I did nothing last week, but that's what deadlines are for!

So far I've:
Checked in online for tomorrow's flight at 6:02 am.
Played an hour of Runescape
Bought a Heavy Duty Hole Punch at Staples
Bought 2 new shirts and 5 new pairs of unmentionables at The Avenue (I love when the underwear's on sale!)
Went to the Vet for Ed Food.
Went to the post office.
Found a parking spot on 2nd street.
Went to the bank for 2 rolls of quarters.
Went outside bank and got $ from ATM for trip.
Went to Color Me Mine
Went to Open Sesame for Chicken Sharwama take-out (yum).
Did two loads of laundry while eating said take-out AND watching weird but good French subtitled movie. (Aren't you proud? I did laundry and it didn't involve a trip to the 'rents!)
Printed Screenplay
Printed Novel
Printed Screenplay #2

I'm sure I've forgotten a thing or two. Now I just have to pack and wait for Screenplay #2 to finish printing.

Yes, in case you haven't figured out by now, I'm leaving tomorrow for a mad mad mad fortnight in foul fetid fogging fuming filthly PHILLY. (Someone ought to open up a window!) {10 points to those of you that get that allusion.}

Right. So the last thing I wanted to chat about was this dream I had last night. No Jude Law... sigh. Just a bicycle and a very big gun. Someone had stolen the wheel off my bicycle, and then the next time I looked, I saw a girl in a long white nightgown taking the rest of the bicycle out of the back of my truck. Yeah, I had a pick up. Anyway, I chase after her up this green hill, and when I get to the other side, there she is without my bike. Then she points an automatic weapon at me, but I manage to get it away from her and she tells me all about her gang that stole my bike.

There was a guest starring role of Sly Stallone as an ineffectual cop who couldn't arrive on time. I don't remember the end, but I beleive there was a trade of gunfire between me and the rival gang.

All of this reminded me of something I overheard while getting back into my car this afternoon. Two girls were in a little alcove behind a business on 2nd st. They were a bit Goth, and in their early twenties. One girl was argueing on her cell phone.

"Look. I need to talk to my husband. I need to tell him something. There's something he doesn't know. I don't care. I want to talk to him. He needs to know I'm pregnant. Now you listen-"

Sometimes life offers you little story windows. Unfortuntately I couldn't stay much longer to hear the rest of the conversation, without it being totally obvious, but I think one day, that might make itself into a story.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

So we're off!

Got a few minutes to pop in an entry before heading off to a Kenny Chesney concert courtesy of Liz's work. I love free tickets. And I've never been to a country concert before! (How on earth have I managed that?)

I survived the last day of school and the teacher luncheon. I ended up sitting at the Math teacher table (accidently). I saw Diana, the sheltered Math teacher and sat down to chat and before I knew it, I was surrounded with Math teachers... which is better than sitting at the "Oh, so and so's pregnant and this is what my pregnancy was like" table. We talked about everyone's summer plans in Europe, and mine in Philly, and had a nice time.

I did learn that we may be losing both principals next year. One got a transfer to behind the Orange Curtain where salaries are mythically higher. And the other wants to spend more time with his kids. Oddly enough, being the principal of his kids' school actually led to less time with them. I believe it though.

Okay, well time to jet!

Friday, June 16, 2006


So I had this dream last night. I was on some sort of tour in a minibus, and at one point, I stopped in a hotel and just chopped my hair off. Like really scraggly like.

Someone, not sure who, made a suggestion that I go get it fixed at a hair dresser. We get back on the bus, and Wham! we're driving by Canterbury, and I suddenly remember that Jennifer, my hairdresser and long time family friend, has conveniently moved to England.

We stop, and while we're waiting to get my hair cut properly, the guy next to me is trying to figure out who the guy behind the counter is.

Of course I'm giggling because I know exactly who it is. It's Jude Law looking oh so dashing and sigh worthy.

Unfortunately I get called over (and away from the eye candy) to pay for my haircut. It's 120. Dollars, I ask. No Pounds. But all I have is dollars! And that's a bloody expensive haircut! So I pull out a calculator and of all things, a bank draft for $100, and a $100 dollar bill.

And then I woke up.

Man, I need to have more dreams with Jude Law in them... and make sure he occupies a larger percentage of them.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

One Day More

So I've had two songs running through my head all day long: "One Day More" from Les Miserables and "3 Lions" by the Lightning Seeds (it's a British footie song... and the only reason why I know the title of the World Cup Trophy).

I've also learned a few lessons.

1. When teaching ELD kids during the World Cup, one must have a computer tuned into score updates at all times. Otherwise the kids will beg to turn on the TV, although it has no antenna for reception, or they'll hang themselves out the window, trying to get their little radios tuned in.

2. Voting for the USA in football is like voting for a Democrat in Orange County. Never gonna win. Ever. So my official team I'm rooting for is England (thus the 3 Lions on a shirt running through my head).

3. Trying to get straight answers out of administrators at the end of the year is futile. I still can't figure out why I count 34 kids next year for ELD 2, and they're at 24. Glug!

4. Writing a screenplay is hard work. Actually, the writing is easy... revision is HARD. Completing a Screenwriting revision course this summer... but have started already. Now I've got to figure out which screenplay I'm going to submit.

5. Must make cheesecake, wash dishes, and clean bathroom before roomie arrives home from vacation tomorrow.

6. Must write on Blog more often. Two months. Blegh! Will try more in future.

7. Less than a month til my birthday! Still not 30th yet. Hallelujah!

8. Congrats to lil' sis for amazing bike ride. Looks like they had a lot of fun.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I'm Ba-ack

So I'm back from my Spring Vacation and about halfway through my free lazy day off before school begins.

I'm also glad that I checked my email, because I've just learned that most of my ELD 1 students are going to be taking a test tomorrow... and that means I get the afternoon off! Whoo hoo! Not really. I'll just let the leftovers (mostly the Cambodian kids and the Seniors) play some games that I bought the other day at the Target one stop. All of them were a dollar.

I'll be posting our adventure blog on Amazing Adventures... just as soon as I get up the gumption. I've got to ink in all of the penciled comics so that they'll scan, and then plug Mom's scanner into my computer. That'll be fun.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just a little late...

So I thought I was obliged to announce that Tricia is my new favorite sister. Yeah, so I'm a little late with the news, but I've been busy.

A few days before St. Patrick's Day, I thought to myself, "Self, if you're going to go out drinking on St. Pat's, who's the most likely person to be having a good time that day as well. I bet that's your sister."

So after a bit of delay, I called her up and she told us (Liz and I) to meet her at a pub on Main Street in Seal Beach. She was starting her evening at 4:00, but Liz's coworker kept her working late, so around 6ish, we drove down Main Street, where there seemed to be a plethora of pubs... each with a line about a block long.

Not having been dressed nor fed for an hourlong wait in an impending drizzle, Liz and I decided to screw the drinks and go to CPK instead. We could still order drinks with our dinner, even if the surroundings where CA cuisine, and not Irish Pub.

About halfway through dinner (and a martini), I get a call from Tricia. She's at Hennessy's and can't hear a word I'm saying. I'm instructed to text message her and she hangs up.

I've never used my phone for text messages before. I haven't seen the point of them up to this time... exept for my students to send secret messages across the school with. So I figured out how to text and very quickly realized why people use such hideous abbreviations on those contraptions. l8r, ur, u, etc.

A series of text messages and a martini and pizza later, (it's amazing how much one martini can put you in the mood for adventure without impairing your driving ability) we headed off to Main Street again in search of parking. The luck of the Irish followed us, and we found a spot just a block over.

Tricia had told us to find Dino at the front of the line. Only a bouncer could have the name Dino. Tricia had apparently given her name and phone number to a guy she hadn't been physically attracted to, and got us to the front of the line. At 4, she'd waitied 40 minutes, so you can imagine the line at 7:00, and the amount of people asking us how we got the VIP tickets.

Once inside, I discovered that my sister knew everyone in the bar, even though she'd only met them that night. I'll skip the party-age, and move on to the events that seemed the most memorable. First of all, there was the drunk guy that was kissing every one on the lips. KISS number 1.

Then there was the guy who bought my sister a gin and tonic, while she was still drinking her Harp. I'd just finished my vodka and orange and was debating a trip up to the crowded bar, when she tipped some of it into my glass. "If you can, be sneaky and drink that. Nonchalantly like." She glanced back at the guy and rolled her eyes.

So a few minutes later, I nonchalantly put my empty glass down and picked up hers. Moments later, she looked down. "Whoah? Where'd it all go?" I gave her a cheers sign. "Man that was sneaky. I didn't even notice."

That's me. SneakyMouse.

Then there was the guy in the plastic MDA bowler hat. I called him over and gave him a dollar. My sister pulled him aside for a minute and a few minutes later he gave me back my dollar and a kiss on the cheek. KISS number 2. Tricia had guilted him in to giving it back. He'd apparently only stolen the hat because it was green. Sigh. Like I was really interested in giving to charity. I'd given him the dollar because he was cute. Man. Does no one think me capable of such thoughts?

Then there was the older guy who was seriously hitting on my sister. Jeez. What the heck did he think he was doing, quizing me about her? When she said we were sisters, he was too drunk to disguise his look of suprise. He looked confused, actually.

The night ended on a rather unpleasant note when Liz, usually so good about these things, couldn't hold her liquer. Then Tricia couldn't hold her liquer. Then it was time to go home. 10pm. So we're old.

Then, according to Liz, it was time to bake pumpkin swirl cheesecake with a gingersnap pecan crust. Don't ask. But I didn't go to bed until 1am when it came out of the oven. It was good.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Annual Vacation Plan Post

Hold on to your hats and glasses folks!

Well, since Clare is coming out in April, and Andy has been unlaid off (at least until June), that means that we might all three be able to swing a vaca together during Spring Break, instead of during the summer when it's A. Hot and B. Crowded.

So here are some of the plans I'm thinking about for the road trip (because we've so "done" LA):

Hearst Castle - Not really a castle, but the closest thing CA's got.

The Winchester Mystery Mansion - even Creepier than the creepy house... though I don't think you get to touch the antiques. ;)

Napa, Calistoga, and California Wine Country - winery hopping, and maybe a relaxing day at the famous hot springs spa.

San Francisco - which includes such sights as The Ghiradelli Chocolate Company, Fisherman's Wharf, the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard St. (curviest in the world... though for some reason, it pales in comparison to Clovelly) and maybe Alcatraz, prison to the stars.

So what do you say? Huh? Huh? Sound like fun?

Ever strangely baffled by similar genes?

Four Things

Four jobs I've had:

1. Round Table Pizza
2. Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking, DMV Department
3. Telemarketer - A.K.A. Two Days of Hell
4. Camp Counselor

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Indianna Jones (All three)
2. Star Wars (First 3)
3. Goonies
4. Miss Congeniality

Four places I've lived:

1. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2. Geilenkirchen, West Germany
3. Fairborn, Ohio
4. South Central Los Angeles, California

Four TV shows I love:

1. Lost
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Without a Trace
4. 24

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I've never watched a single minute of:
(my parents have TiVo, it was hard not to see a MINUTE of anything...

1. Red Dwarf
2. MS3TK
3. Supernatural

Four places I've vacationed:

1. Ilfracombe (Where, you ask?)
2. Paris
3. Ireland
4. Scotland

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Lasanga
2. Bean Burritos
3. French Onion Soup
4. Jenny's "What's in the cupboard today?" Stir Fry

Four sites I visit daily:

1. Google
3. Wilson High School Homepage
4. Blogspot

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Australia
2. Thailand
3. In the arms of someone that loves me
4. England

Tag! You're it! Time for these people to post their lists!


So much for regular like

Once again, it has been over a month since last I've posted... so maybe I'll do like three posts and catch up. I'm not the only one who hasn't posted in a while, so maybe I don't feel that bad. Except I've managed to smash my pinkie a few minutes ago and every time I hit the right shift key I go ouch! Unfortunately I seem to use the right shift key a lot. Especially since I need it to type the word "I." And quotation marks too. Booger. Oww.

So how about Mr. Weather? Holy Cow! Now for some of you folks who don't live in temperate climate, the weather may not seem all that crazy. I woke up yesterday, hankerin' for some bagels, so while Liz washed the dishes, I headed off to Ralphs and the bagel place... the one where a former student of mine works.

Now this kid invited me down to his father's bagel place like every chance he got last year, and even though I've been there before, he's never been there. This time, it was like he was coming down from some bad acid trip.

"Hi, may I help-- Miss M? What're you doin' here? Dude. This is weird. You're like a teacher, man."

Students always get weirded out when they see us out of context. We never leave the confines of our rooms, apparently. We just grow there, complete adults who just disappear into our hidden charging stations at night, hibernating until the bell rings the next day.

I also stopped by the grocery store - which I can never manage to leave without spending $100. I went in for very specific things: Pecans, gingersnaps, Diet Coke and eggs. I came out with $96 worth of groceries and was really really upset when I'd forgotten the eggs. No pumpkin cheesecake today. Sigh.

Now that I've gotten completely off the point with my foray into the grocery world... let me get back to the weather. When I made the decision to leave, it was pouring down rain, but 15 minutes later, when I ventured outside, it was bright and clear with happy fluffy clouds. It stayed that way until about 1ish when Lizzie decided I had to check the mail. So I pulled on my sandals and headed outside. I had to take the back stairs to stay out of the sprinkles.

Then about 4:00 we here this God awful noise, like someone's spilling marbles out on the roof. We open the door and find, all our neighbors are standing at their doorways too. Watching the hail. HAIL!!!! I mean this is Long Beach! What business does ice have falling from the sky! HAIL! Apparently now, Southern Californians have two reasons to bond with their neighbors: earthquakes and freaks acts of the weather.

And about a half hour later when I go to check the mail again... bright puffy clouds.

This morning has shown no signs of hail or rain, but it's pretty dang cold in here. I don't mind my pinkie much anymore, because my fingertips are numb.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Posty Posty

So I've been trying to post a bit more regular like. At least more often.

Today I watched one of the Level 2 students and one of my former Level 1 students (now in Level 3) have a very interesting conversation. They were mocking white girls.

A: I am not Mexican. I am white. I don't speak Spanish.
E: You? No I am white. Mexicans are stupid. They are burros. Burritos. You know ... Donkeys.
A: They so stupid. But I am white. Don't I look beautiful Miss Mathis? You are Mexican. You are ugly.
E: I'm not Mexican.
A: Yes, you are.
E: No. I'm from Honduras!
A fit of laughter ensued.

It really brought home the institutionalized racism that these girls still face. They are seen as a servant class, instead of vibrant, funny, smart young women. I don't like being too serious or political, but it's been weighing on me a bit lately, how hard some of these kids have it.

I had another girl who came in and said, "I hate all, how you say, niggers!" I flat out told her that was a racist remark. She then told me how she and her brother had been followed home by a group of black boys who were trying to draw her brother into a fight. They only stopped when they saw a cop car. When I heard that, I asked her if they were Wilson students, but she then said they were from Jefferson (you can tell the difference by their uniforms). Jefferson is a middle school. "You mean you were followed home by a bunch of 8th graders?"

I told her that I was teased by some latinas when I was a kid, and they followed me home, but I didn't "hate all Mexicans." I think she understood what I was saying, but it drives me crazy how the racism floats both ways. It seems like everyone hates everyone else. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Dreams of the Eye

Okay, so last night I had a weird dream. I was on the London Eye... you know, the big ferris wheel... and it fell over (something to do with terrorists, I believe). I remember seeing the ground come rushing up, and thinking oh F**K! Then suddenly I was in the Thames and swimming for it. I managed to rescue myself, but I think there were several other casualities. I think at one point, I was back on the street, helping a man with a leg wound, and sending Clare for a surgeon, because she'd know where to go. (Persuasion fans... sound familiar?)

Anyway, it wasn't as disturbing as a dream I had over the weekend, where during class, I got a sticky note from the office that said one of my ELD students had just died while car surfing. I told my class about it today, and the student seemed a little creeped out by it... I wonder why.

The dream continued to where a school counselor and I were riding in an elevator. The counselor was being way too cheery, telling something about a homily that I was supposed to say at the funeral. I was completely confused by this, as I thought she was supposed to be offering grief counseling, not light and happy advice.

On a completely different note, the rents are in a giving away mode after putting the house up for sale. Liz and I carted an exercise bike, a dresser, a bookshelf, a nightstand, and a 2 drawer set up to our apartment on Saturday. It took two trips in the truck. My mom also gave us four sacks/boxes of books that Liz went through. I think her "keep" pile was bigger than her "used bookstore" pile. Sometimes she's slightly overambitious. She's the only one I know who can balance like 25 library books at the same time... and I thought I was literate.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


So I have 4 days in a row where I get out at noon. Unfortunately, I have 6 sets of finals to grade... and only two are scantron. Right now I envy the math teachers.


So I finally started the Intermediate Screenwriting Class at UCI. I'm the only one who didn't take intro with the prof. I feel a bit out of place, but the vibe I'm getting is so much better than the prof I took Intermediate from. He seems much more the writer, and less the cinematic "I'm in the Biz so get out of my way!" type.

I left last Thursday really mad... but mad in a productive way. I was mad that I'd spent an entire summer coming up with an outline for a movie that really lacked where the characters had no motivation and therefore no real character arc. Why did I get an A on this project in the other class?!?! That's why I'm mad. So I'm changing the characters careers around and the main romantic interest from cuddly David the architect (No, no correlation to those who know what I'm talking about) to a more Sawyerish bar owner, similar to the character Rex, in my other saga... that is also not quite finished. hehehe

I also dropped Juan, the sexy latino veterinarian. I told Liz he had now been returned to the ethereal. Poor guy. He was pretty cute... though a scumbag at heart.

And Ben, Ella's brother farmer/cowboy is now going to be an FBI agent... who keeps turning into a Sean Astin 24 looking character in my head.

Anyway, I really hope the new outline will be considered much improved by the class. Otherwise, Omouse might just stick with novels.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year

Well... It's now the big 2006. Spent an exciting New Year's Eve at home with Liz watching a marathon session of Roswell, Season II.

At nine we headed out to the bookstore, only to find it closed, so we headed over to Mimi's for Spinach Artichoke Dip and Banana Foster Mud Pie. At 10, we headed back to Marina Pacifica and watched Narnia, which I thought was pretty good and faithful to the book as I remembered. Liz thought it was just okay, but she was never a fan of the books as I was.

Got home at about 1ish and then talked to Dave for a bit while Liz drank some port, and I found my still shrink wrapped version of the Narnia Chronicles... that I got with bonus points from Rogers's Scholastic Book sales.

Exciting huh?

Oh, and I practiced baking green and blue cookies, so that on Weds, I can make all these cool cardinal and gold colored U's and S's and C's. That's when the real par-tay is.

Tomorrow we're heading off to Downtown Disney for my dad's birthday. 56. Poor old man.