Sunday, August 06, 2006

I have to go to work tomorrow.

It's depressing. I need to set my alarm for EARLY tomorrow so I can be in North Long Beach at 8:00. 8:00! Argh. You know what that means... it means that my lazy days of getting up at 9 and hanging out are over. Summer has slipped by and August is well into its cycle.

So what have I been doing? Slacking off. Hey, I work really hard during most of the year. And I seriously needed a break from the ones who will no doubt be waiting to terrorize me again in a month.

So tomorrow I get to hang out with teachers and be taught how to teach writing to kids who can't speak the language. The hanging out with teachers is the best part of it. Get my gears recharged and whatnot.

So today I decided to make t-shirts. If I can find them, that is. I bought them. They're in a Target bag around here somewhere. And I found the iron ons. I haven't looked very hard for them though. I thought I'd make one that actually spelled out ELD, as even teachers at the school reply, "Oh, special ed." Duh. I think I understand why Mel was so mad when people responded, "Oh, like where the Mounties are from!" when she told them she was from Kansas. Eye Roll.

I will again promise to be more faithful in blogging. But considering my average posting is lately is once a month, we'll see how long this lasts. Maybe in the next post, I'll tell you about my new screenplay. Yeah, that's a plan. I'd tell you know, but a certain sister of mine complained once that my posts were too long, so I thought I'd break them up a bit. ;)

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