Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Phantom Goes to the Opera, and School Dreams

So last night, Liz and I went to Arcadia, which feels like it's in the middle of nowhere, but Liz assured me was actually next door to Pasadena. That's where the LA arboretum is located, and although the only thing we saw of the place was the concert lawn, it looks like a place we might want to go back to.

After we hiked in to the park, Liz was in her "annoyed" mode, as she couldn't locate any signs. There was one guy we asked for directions, and he was trying to be helpful. He wanted to get us a volunteer to carry some of our stuff. I think this made Liz feel like an old lady, as she bristled and walked away. Undaunted, this guy started yelling for a volunteer, and sent this young girl scrambling after us up the hill. I politely turned her down, but all of it was quite awkward.

On the fringes of the lawn, there were lots of fowl wildlife, (note fowl, not foul). The cutest thing were the two baby peacocks, following after their mom, scratching in the weeds. They were drawing quite a crowd, but Annoyed Lizzie was too busy avoiding the volunteer for me to stop and join the crowd and watch for a bit.

Once we settled down on our blanket, opened the wine, and ate dinner, things worked out well. We were the envy of the blanket next to us when we pulled out the pumpkin pie. Yum.

The program was pieces of opera run through with Andrew Lloyd Webber. There were selections from Evita, Cats, Sunset Blvd, and Phantom as well as The Barber of Seville, and the Bartered Bride. The conductor was a little loopy in his explanations of the theme. He tried to explain how the US was older than Italy or Germany, and he didn't do it very well. Overall, it was quite enjoyable.

We got home and the two glasses of wine put me right to bed. Snooooooze. That's when I had my Back to School Dreams. They happen every year around this time without fail. I'm usually wandering around an unfamiliar school trying to find my classroom and students, but failing miserably. This particular one was the first day of school dream. I had no class lists, and only five minutes between periods to find my mailbox. And then I couldn't find my classroom again. But look, it's a door with my name printed on it. Ominous, but okay, hey let's go in. Oh look, it's my classroom, but it's cavernous and there are other teachers here. Wait a minute these are supposed to be ELD kids, not student council kids. Argh!

I wake up and my arm is sore because Ed has stuck his fat self in the crook of it. He cries when I readjust and looks very put out. Man, what time is it? Probably 6:00 like the time I woke up yesterday. Nope 8. That's acceptable... I suppose.


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