Friday, June 16, 2006


So I had this dream last night. I was on some sort of tour in a minibus, and at one point, I stopped in a hotel and just chopped my hair off. Like really scraggly like.

Someone, not sure who, made a suggestion that I go get it fixed at a hair dresser. We get back on the bus, and Wham! we're driving by Canterbury, and I suddenly remember that Jennifer, my hairdresser and long time family friend, has conveniently moved to England.

We stop, and while we're waiting to get my hair cut properly, the guy next to me is trying to figure out who the guy behind the counter is.

Of course I'm giggling because I know exactly who it is. It's Jude Law looking oh so dashing and sigh worthy.

Unfortunately I get called over (and away from the eye candy) to pay for my haircut. It's 120. Dollars, I ask. No Pounds. But all I have is dollars! And that's a bloody expensive haircut! So I pull out a calculator and of all things, a bank draft for $100, and a $100 dollar bill.

And then I woke up.

Man, I need to have more dreams with Jude Law in them... and make sure he occupies a larger percentage of them.

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