Friday, February 03, 2006

Posty Posty

So I've been trying to post a bit more regular like. At least more often.

Today I watched one of the Level 2 students and one of my former Level 1 students (now in Level 3) have a very interesting conversation. They were mocking white girls.

A: I am not Mexican. I am white. I don't speak Spanish.
E: You? No I am white. Mexicans are stupid. They are burros. Burritos. You know ... Donkeys.
A: They so stupid. But I am white. Don't I look beautiful Miss Mathis? You are Mexican. You are ugly.
E: I'm not Mexican.
A: Yes, you are.
E: No. I'm from Honduras!
A fit of laughter ensued.

It really brought home the institutionalized racism that these girls still face. They are seen as a servant class, instead of vibrant, funny, smart young women. I don't like being too serious or political, but it's been weighing on me a bit lately, how hard some of these kids have it.

I had another girl who came in and said, "I hate all, how you say, niggers!" I flat out told her that was a racist remark. She then told me how she and her brother had been followed home by a group of black boys who were trying to draw her brother into a fight. They only stopped when they saw a cop car. When I heard that, I asked her if they were Wilson students, but she then said they were from Jefferson (you can tell the difference by their uniforms). Jefferson is a middle school. "You mean you were followed home by a bunch of 8th graders?"

I told her that I was teased by some latinas when I was a kid, and they followed me home, but I didn't "hate all Mexicans." I think she understood what I was saying, but it drives me crazy how the racism floats both ways. It seems like everyone hates everyone else. Sigh.

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