Monday, January 26, 2004


Spanish Word O' the Day: Grr Arghh! - Okay not exactly Spanish, but that was the word for the day... all day. May be actual words for Spanish Pirates. Yeah, Pirates.

Oh? So you want a real Spanish Word O' the Day? Okay: Medio (mey dee oh) - It's means middle, or between.

So today was officially the MIDDLE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR! The last day of Fall Semester. It was a minimum day and we had all of our 8 classes with only 8 minute passing periods. Grr Argh. I was ready to fall down at the beginning of fourth and we weren't halfway through the day yet.

So the good thing is that I got rid of the students at 12:30 and moved 3 F students into the D- range. Whoo hoo. Now I'm working on two more.

Went downstairs to make copies of semester Rules Refresher and what do I get? Ooh! New rosters! And the counselors only managed to mess up all of the changes I'd requested!

One kid ended up with 2 ELD 2 classes and 1 ELD 1 Class, Two ended up with only 1 of two level two classes they had, and one is only going to have half of level two because he has to have another of my classes to graduate. Sigh. Grr Argh Finally got the changes made at 3:10 just as they printed their schedules for tomorrow. Had to stand over the counselor while she fixed the changes.

That was my day at school. Grr Argh!

oh! Totally Unbelievable Story! I was walking home from school today and I saw a Netflix envelope lying on the ground about a block away from my apartment. Looked closer. It had my name on it. Picked it up. It had a DVD in it... the one that I was supposed to get in the mail today. Can You Believe That???

DVD Title: Catch Me If You Can

I don't know whether to feel extremely lucky or extremely pissed off! Grr Argh.

See, you don't need to be a Spanish Pirate to use the new words. :)

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