Sunday, December 04, 2005

TGIO - Friday Nano Part-ay

The last time I drove up to Barbara's Brewery, which is "on the other side of downtown" near "General Hospital" (County USC), it took me 2 hours, so this time, with rain expected, I allowed myself two hours and got there in 45 minutes. The good news is that I got there at the same time as the other Municipal Liason, Elizabeth. We laid out the prizes, (Big Lots Baby) and I ordered a hamburger because I was starving! Later they laid out a spread of appetizers (with lots of cheese!)

I was a little worried at first, because not a whole lot of people replied to the thread saying they would be there... but when we counted the raffle ticket stubs, we had nearly 40 people there. It was a little loud with the music and the miniature jet engine heater. Overall, I think it was a great success. I had fun talking to everyone about their novels and matching names with faces. I felt my voice starting to go so around 9:30, so I said goodbye to Elizabeth and headed home.

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