Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gotta Keep Up the Posting!

So this post is dedicated to the Laskos. Because The Michael said that I had ALMOST earned back my link. And because The Nicole said my pictures weren't dramatic enough. I tried to explain that they weren't BEFORE and AFTER pictures. They were just PROGRESS pictures... so to please The Michael and The Nicole, I have posted again with real DRAMATIC PHOTOS.

I went looking for some full length pics, and had a difficult time... well, because when you're not happy with your weight, you tend to take a lot of head shots.


Anonymous said...

You are right, that IS dramatic! NICE!

Mrs. Nicole Lasko said...

Much better... is it just me, or is your resemblance to Tricia coming out?

Mrs. Nicole Lasko said...

btw... thanks for referring to us as the "Laskos" and not the "Lasko's," "Laskos'," or "Laskoses." I know you're an English teacher and all, but I've had other teachers give me gifts embroidered with one of the above, and what the heck am I supposed to do with that?

Although, I suppose "welcome to the Laskos'" could be correct, since it implies home ownership. But that wasn't what I got.

Random Rant.

Michael Lasko said...
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Michael Lasko said...

"Welcome to the Laskos" does not look correct at all...unless we're visiting someone who thinks we're important (and has put up a sign to let everyone know we're coming). Even then, it's a little strange.

PS: link for you.