Monday, January 10, 2005

Weather Watch

It's almost 8:00 am here, and it's still dark outside. Good Morning America got preempted by Tornado Watch... not in Long Beach, but still. We've had over our average yearly rainfall and it's only the first 10 days of the year.

Yesterday Liz and I decided to be lazy. We stayed in and watched movies all day. We made enchiladas... or rather more of a cassarole thingy, because the corn tortillas weren't behaving. We played a round of Potter Crack, which Liz beat me at... Again.

On Saturday I joined my family at Papadakis's Taverna, supposedly one of the best Greek restaurants in the LA area. It's in San Pedro, and Mapquest told me to take Ocean all the way there. What it didn't tell me about was the two really scary bridges that I had to go over to get there. I'm sooo glad that it wasn't raining earlier in the evening. Otherwise I would have been screwed and scared out of my mind.

Other than being very friendly and having excellent service, I wasn't too impressed with the place, but I couldn't exactly say that to Dad. I think the Greek place that we went to in Malibu with Rob, which I believe is Tony's Taverna was more atmospheric and had better entertainment. I did manage to stick it to Tricia when the violinist came around. I had him play the USC fight song. Papadakis is a huge USC football fan. We even got a speech about it after the entertainment.

Maybe it was just the ride home that creeped me out. It was raining so hard I couldn't see the signs or the lines on the road. I couldn't find Ocean, which I wasn't too heartbroken about, because I didn't want to go over the scary bridges again. Instead I got on the freeway, thinking even if I have to go 10 miles out of my way, I'm at least not lost. Then I see an exit for PCH and think, hey that'll be a short cut.

I'm driving rather slowly along PCH, keeping an eye on the lines, and praying there's no flooding along the way when suddenly someone starts shouting out at me from a pickup truck. First impression: When loud guy rolls down window and shouts at passerby: Probably drunk. So I slow down even more to stay behind the truck. It keeps slowing down and yells at me. I refuse to look at guy, thinking he's going to do something stupid. This goes on for about 5 minutes before suddenly my phone rings. It's Nikki, so I begin to think maybe she's been in an accident in the rain. I pick up the phone, while driving and avoiding drunk guy.
"What's up? Where are you?" I ask.
"We're in the pickup truck you're refusing to look at."
"I thought you were drunk guys."
"I'm the only drunk one around here," Michael says. "You're driving awfully slow."


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