Monday, June 26, 2006

Accomplishments (And Other Things)

I feel quite accomplished today. Of course I did nothing last week, but that's what deadlines are for!

So far I've:
Checked in online for tomorrow's flight at 6:02 am.
Played an hour of Runescape
Bought a Heavy Duty Hole Punch at Staples
Bought 2 new shirts and 5 new pairs of unmentionables at The Avenue (I love when the underwear's on sale!)
Went to the Vet for Ed Food.
Went to the post office.
Found a parking spot on 2nd street.
Went to the bank for 2 rolls of quarters.
Went outside bank and got $ from ATM for trip.
Went to Color Me Mine
Went to Open Sesame for Chicken Sharwama take-out (yum).
Did two loads of laundry while eating said take-out AND watching weird but good French subtitled movie. (Aren't you proud? I did laundry and it didn't involve a trip to the 'rents!)
Printed Screenplay
Printed Novel
Printed Screenplay #2

I'm sure I've forgotten a thing or two. Now I just have to pack and wait for Screenplay #2 to finish printing.

Yes, in case you haven't figured out by now, I'm leaving tomorrow for a mad mad mad fortnight in foul fetid fogging fuming filthly PHILLY. (Someone ought to open up a window!) {10 points to those of you that get that allusion.}

Right. So the last thing I wanted to chat about was this dream I had last night. No Jude Law... sigh. Just a bicycle and a very big gun. Someone had stolen the wheel off my bicycle, and then the next time I looked, I saw a girl in a long white nightgown taking the rest of the bicycle out of the back of my truck. Yeah, I had a pick up. Anyway, I chase after her up this green hill, and when I get to the other side, there she is without my bike. Then she points an automatic weapon at me, but I manage to get it away from her and she tells me all about her gang that stole my bike.

There was a guest starring role of Sly Stallone as an ineffectual cop who couldn't arrive on time. I don't remember the end, but I beleive there was a trade of gunfire between me and the rival gang.

All of this reminded me of something I overheard while getting back into my car this afternoon. Two girls were in a little alcove behind a business on 2nd st. They were a bit Goth, and in their early twenties. One girl was argueing on her cell phone.

"Look. I need to talk to my husband. I need to tell him something. There's something he doesn't know. I don't care. I want to talk to him. He needs to know I'm pregnant. Now you listen-"

Sometimes life offers you little story windows. Unfortuntately I couldn't stay much longer to hear the rest of the conversation, without it being totally obvious, but I think one day, that might make itself into a story.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

So we're off!

Got a few minutes to pop in an entry before heading off to a Kenny Chesney concert courtesy of Liz's work. I love free tickets. And I've never been to a country concert before! (How on earth have I managed that?)

I survived the last day of school and the teacher luncheon. I ended up sitting at the Math teacher table (accidently). I saw Diana, the sheltered Math teacher and sat down to chat and before I knew it, I was surrounded with Math teachers... which is better than sitting at the "Oh, so and so's pregnant and this is what my pregnancy was like" table. We talked about everyone's summer plans in Europe, and mine in Philly, and had a nice time.

I did learn that we may be losing both principals next year. One got a transfer to behind the Orange Curtain where salaries are mythically higher. And the other wants to spend more time with his kids. Oddly enough, being the principal of his kids' school actually led to less time with them. I believe it though.

Okay, well time to jet!

Friday, June 16, 2006


So I had this dream last night. I was on some sort of tour in a minibus, and at one point, I stopped in a hotel and just chopped my hair off. Like really scraggly like.

Someone, not sure who, made a suggestion that I go get it fixed at a hair dresser. We get back on the bus, and Wham! we're driving by Canterbury, and I suddenly remember that Jennifer, my hairdresser and long time family friend, has conveniently moved to England.

We stop, and while we're waiting to get my hair cut properly, the guy next to me is trying to figure out who the guy behind the counter is.

Of course I'm giggling because I know exactly who it is. It's Jude Law looking oh so dashing and sigh worthy.

Unfortunately I get called over (and away from the eye candy) to pay for my haircut. It's 120. Dollars, I ask. No Pounds. But all I have is dollars! And that's a bloody expensive haircut! So I pull out a calculator and of all things, a bank draft for $100, and a $100 dollar bill.

And then I woke up.

Man, I need to have more dreams with Jude Law in them... and make sure he occupies a larger percentage of them.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

One Day More

So I've had two songs running through my head all day long: "One Day More" from Les Miserables and "3 Lions" by the Lightning Seeds (it's a British footie song... and the only reason why I know the title of the World Cup Trophy).

I've also learned a few lessons.

1. When teaching ELD kids during the World Cup, one must have a computer tuned into score updates at all times. Otherwise the kids will beg to turn on the TV, although it has no antenna for reception, or they'll hang themselves out the window, trying to get their little radios tuned in.

2. Voting for the USA in football is like voting for a Democrat in Orange County. Never gonna win. Ever. So my official team I'm rooting for is England (thus the 3 Lions on a shirt running through my head).

3. Trying to get straight answers out of administrators at the end of the year is futile. I still can't figure out why I count 34 kids next year for ELD 2, and they're at 24. Glug!

4. Writing a screenplay is hard work. Actually, the writing is easy... revision is HARD. Completing a Screenwriting revision course this summer... but have started already. Now I've got to figure out which screenplay I'm going to submit.

5. Must make cheesecake, wash dishes, and clean bathroom before roomie arrives home from vacation tomorrow.

6. Must write on Blog more often. Two months. Blegh! Will try more in future.

7. Less than a month til my birthday! Still not 30th yet. Hallelujah!

8. Congrats to lil' sis for amazing bike ride. Looks like they had a lot of fun.