Friday, November 16, 2007


"You're not thinking up new names! You're just stealing them!"

This coming from Mel is quite hilarious... but once she said it, I just kinda decided, hey, yeah! Let's run with it!

So, just a note... the names I've been using are just names... and have no relation to the actual people. Here's a few:

Hensley, the town Betsy lives in, Mel's last name (and the one she commented on)

Ryda, former student name

Michael, brother-in-law

Adeo, half of a character name

Betsy, Lizzie's first nickname

Elizabeth, Lizzie's grandma's name

Reuben, Clare's fiance

Clare and Al, taken directly from Canterbury Tales (Mel and Mine, not Chaucer)

Amanda is named after Canterbury Tales Amanda

And, well, Junior, I stole from Indiana Jones

The unnamed university is obviously USC

and Kathryn Miller is supposed to be Katharine Hepburn-ish

Merry is the only name I think I didn't intentionally steal.

Any way, off to do more writing. Any other good ideas about things or names I could steal? Send them my way!

1 comment:

Michael Lasko said...

Hey, were you up all night naming the brother-in-law?