Wednesday, March 17, 2004

The Titles Have Arrived!

SWOTD: El Dia del Santo Patricio - if you can't figure that one out... dude.

Okay, so don't laugh... it took me this long to figure out that I could put a title to my entries. Yes, I've been playing around with Blogger today. I even started Blog #2 which is going to be completely fiction. Space Opera, as Mel called it this afternoon. I'm aiming for a cross between Farscape, Bridget Jones, and Thursday Next.

Otherwise, life is continuing as always. David the Director refused to have the sopranies join me on the F# last night in choir. Mom served stuffed pork chops and broccoli for dinner. I educated my ELL's on the traditions of St. Patrick's Day. We completed a crossword puzzle and then made paper Shamrocks. Yes, I celebrated an Irish holiday with Origami!

I went to Big Lots yesterday and bought out their supply of St. Patty's Day stuff, especially since it was half off. My Lit Workshop class wanted to know why I was so excited for St. Patty's Day. They're like bumps on logs. Moan, groan... even if it's the only holiday we're going to have in March! Besides, I think we should all get a celebration day after surviving the Ides of March. Sometimes I just wish I could get them excited about something. They could sit there like slugs the whole period and be happy.

Right. Well, enough ranting. I thought this was just going to be quick entry, but I haven't even mentioned the extended lunch we got today. And pizza for the teachers even. The drama dept. put on a few scenes from their current play about a teacher's first day in a NY public school in the 80's. V. amusing.

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