Friday, June 11, 2004

Grads, Pimpy, and Trek

Sitting in my empty classroom, getting ready to turn my computer off. Everything's put away or labeled ominously with stickies that say "MATHIS 167" It's amazing how dusty everything looks when you take all the papers away.

Listening to Pimpy and getting some emailing done before heading off to the grand finale of Brazilian BBQ Buffet. Lots of the teachers were upset by this choice. Hey, never tried it... and the food's not really the point... it's the comradery really.

Graduation went really smoothly. Aftwards usually cheerful Gabriel was was wandering around looking totally lost and about to cry. I gave him a hug and told him to be happy. He became even more somber and wandered away. Sigh.

Between practice and graduation I walked up the street to get some lunch then back to my apartment where I hunkered down and read a book... the one Liz stole from me and read while I was waiting for HP3 to start. It's Dancing Barefoot by Wil Wheaton. Short but sweet but I understand why Liz was laughing hilariously at certain moments. I especially liked the last story about a Vegas Trek Convention where Wil talks about the craziness and WFS.

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