Tuesday, November 23, 2004

So I had a bad week.

For some strange reason, my wall hit me week 3 instead of week 2. But I think I'm over it now... I just have to get 800 words in today to stay up to par. Got choir and a two hourEnglish meeting after work. Oh Goody. Though I'm giving a test to my Per. 5... maybe write then.

So on Friday on my way to Claude's retirement party I got stung by a bee. I had stopped for gas and was just starting my car when, OOWW!! I looked down at my arm and there was a bee. Not sure if I've ever gotten out of my car so fast before.

There was no one to offer sympathy, so I rolled up a catalog and smashed the hell out of the bee, who was trying to sting my window. Then I got back in my car and curse up a blue streak as loudly as possible.

The margaritas helped on Friday, but it's Tuesday and there's still a red spot on my arm about two quarters wide and it itches. Grr.

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