Sunday, September 18, 2005

Checking In

I suppose I've been out of BlogMode lately, partly because they've blocked blogspot at school, and partly because I've been too busy to write anything. Of course that doesn't excuse my summer lapse.

Other than the facts that I have 5 preps again this year, classes are large, and I've been feeling icky, school has been going pretty well.

My schedule looks like this:

2 classes of Literacy Workshop Reading Development 1/2 - mainly 9th and 10th graders reading at a 6th grade level.

ELD 2/ELD Reading 2 - half of the kids I had last year. They're rambunctious, and slow as molasses. They need to be whipped into shape a bit.

ELD 1/ELD Reading 1 - They're talkative and the class started with 14 and is now up to 24.

It's too early to have pegged the real pains, but I have a couple that I learned names very quickly, and already have nicknames in my head.

Miss Negativity - Needs serious attitude adjustment. Has already announced that she's not going to serve any detentions for dress code violations. I've already warned my classes not to ignore Ms. Broadway's detentions... because they begin to double exponentially if they don't get served.

Mr. Band Geek - He carries his trombone with him and wants to ask questions 2 minutes before I can explain things to the class.

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