Friday, September 23, 2005

I've got the oogily boogilies.

So we go into the computer lab this morning and some of my students say "Miss Mathis, there are ants on this computer."

I say "Squish them or move." So they moved. Later I went to take a look. There were a few ants trailing in under the moniter stand, so I move it, thinking maybe a kid stuck a candy wrapper or gum under the stand and that's what the ants were after. Nope. We're talking full on colony. Thousands... with tons of tiny little eggs and larvae. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh. And of course all the students want to take a look, and we've got 5 minutes until the bell rings.

So I let them out a few minutes early and called the secretary and told her. I REALLY hope they take me seriously when I said there was a MAJOR ant problem. I've been feeling phantom ants all day long today.

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