Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Just got a serious case of Back to School Googlies. That's where your stomach tightens and you can't sleep. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get the rest of my stuff done and have a smooth opening day on Weds.

Today we avoided the heat... not as hot as yesterday though. We started off at Barnes and Noble before heading over for DAMN! I just realized I left my CPK in the car! Shit.

Yeah, well after CPK we headed over to The Pike, the new entertainment complex over by the Aquarium of the Pacific. We saw Princess Diaries 2, which was seriously cheesy, and not half as good as the original, but I liked it.

After that we headed over to Color Me Mine and painted the two things I'm missing in the kitchen... a spoon rest and a napkin holder. We get them back on Thurs, so I'll let you know then how they turned out.

Right. So soon we will have everything a kitchen needs, including a long handled lighter so we don't set our polished finger nails on fire. And yes... I did... right before I realized Liz had purchased said lighter. Rather scary to see your nail aflame. Anyway.

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