Wednesday, August 04, 2004

LAX 5:49 am

So I'm starting the trip off right with an Earl Grey Venti (one tea bag) and a blueberry muffin from Starbucks. On my way to Denver to check off another airport in my "never been to" list. I'm feeling decidedly low tech compared to my previous trips, traveling with only my cell and a new digital camera. I've got two books, two notebooks, one manuscript, and I'm desperately waiting for my Earl Grey to cool off because my caffeine high from my earlier Diet Coke is wearing off.

A family of tow headed boys just came up to visit with a second family of towheads. The father said they couldn't make the standbye on the last flight as they were only letting a few people on.

"You should have just put the kids on," the first father says. He looks at me and grins as a moment of panic crosses on one of the boy's faces. He can't be more than 7.

Oooh, our plane is pulling up! People are already queueing We've got an hour until the flight takes off. Earl Grey is still hot, but drinkable. I think the family next to me is on their way home. The dad is tanned to the point of burnt. I suddenly realize that I don't think that's our plane after all. Brain's a little fuzzy and it's all Bob Hope's fault.

Yeah, you heard me, Bob Hope. You see I was finding it difficult to sleep after my shower last night so I turned on the telly for a few minites to wind down. It was 11:30 and I figured 15 minutes would be enough until Bob Hope and a penguin showed up. My Favorite Blonde. It's the kind of movie that couldn't do now without extensive animatronics. I don't think you're allowed to put penguins in roller skates anymore. The ASPCA would have a field day with that one.

Hoping for good travel karma. As usual it took me less than 20 minutes to check in and go through security. I'll never forget the Spanish airports where everyone just rather mobbed the plane instead of a neat queue.

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