Friday, July 09, 2004

Batiks and The Terminal

So I call Mom up this morning. "I know you're busy next week, so you want to help me with my homework?" (aka go see a movie)

So I drive over there and hang about waiting for Mom to get ready. Mom tells me my birthday present is in the kitchen. It's a vacuum... been plugged in and used.

"Uhh, thanks. Why are you giving me your vacuum? You bought a better one?" (Rents are notorious for this type of regifting. [my vcr they borrowed on condition they'd buy me a new one when I moved out... instead got old one wrapped for Christmas while Dad bought new one for himself])
"No... there's a SPECIAL story behind this one. One of the Rainbow dads works for Home Depot and they were throwing away two perfectly good vacuum cleaners. So he took them and donated them to the assembly and I bought it off him for $50. See the slot on the top? It's missing a tool, that's probably why they couldn't sell it."

Thanks Mom. I was looking forward to some Playstation2 games. Now I do need a vacuum cleaner. The one I got a few years ago is not worth the plastic it's made of... but yeah. Anyway.

We went out to Mimi's and I had some French Onion and a French Dip. Yum. Mom and I both liked the Terminal. I thought it was funny and Mom actually liked the fact that it was long. Nikki seemed to think it was slow, but I enjoyed the pace of it. I thought the character was really well developed and amusing.

Got home and Mom convinced me to iron her batiks. She's off to Camp Watchapathca or somethingorother next week. Who knows what monstrosities she'll create with all the fabrics she's been storing up. I humor her. I do. It makes my life much more pleasant.

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