Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Feliz Cumpleanos!

SWOTD: Cumpleanos - Feliz cumpleanos a mi, Feliz cumpleanos a mi, Feliz cumpleanos a mi, Feliz cumpleanos a mi!  - And if you can't figure that one out... sigh.

So heading back from the Cheesecake Factory, where I had a loverly birthday dinner with my family and my "one friend" (eye roll for Tricia's sake), I decided to take the long way home and drive down PCH. Nikki got a little worried that I was actually lost and honked.  We had a short cross car conversation where I told her I meant to be exactly where I was and then she turned off to her street.  It was a nice time for me to reflect upon the day.  It was a good day.  My film class sang Happy Birthday to me, and Ingrid demanded to know what kind of cheesecake I was having (Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough). 

Nikki, Tricia and Michael gave me the coolest present - a whole lotta classic DVD's in a spiffy box with pink froufrou balls on a string.  Mom gave me HP3 for Playstation... which I asked for when I got the vacuum... well I actually said, "You mean we're not going shopping?  I was waiting for my bday to buy the PofA game." (Mom's new tendency for birthdays is to take us shopping.)

I've so far resisted playing... so far.

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