Sunday, July 18, 2004

Beware the Cheese Sticks

I once again have escaped the heat at the rents on the pretense of completing laundry and having some slight problems with the appliqué.  I figured out how to fix the tension so that the white of the bobbin isn’t popping up in my stitches… I was afraid to touch it after the many dire warnings Mom gave me when I was a kid.

The other problem I also fixed by myself… there was a gap in the stabilizer from when I had done the eyes, and then moved down to the feet.  I just tore it from around the foot and sewed over it.  Since it’s only going to be torn off anyway, I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference. 

Laundry is going well, and I should be home before 10. Sitting here taking a break from writing my paper.  Mom queried me as to what I wanted for dinner.  I had a strange craving for cheese sticks.  So if I went and picked it up, Mom would order.  All was well and good until I got home and realized THEY HAD FORGOTTEN THE CHEESESTICKS!  Grumble grumble grumble… get back into car and drive around the corner back to Dino’s for cheese.  Then I get home and grab four.  I should have grabbed more.  Dad scarfed the rest of them down.  Never leave Dad alone with food.

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