Monday, July 05, 2004

Typity Type

Homework: Type the first ten pages of Thelma and Louise. Read Witness.

The Thelma and Louise script had me cursing. It had typos. Do you know how hard it is for an English teacher not to fix them as she goes along? Anyway, I also watched the special edition extra features of the DVD. Cool. I do agree that the ending they originally shot was not as good as the one they came up with, and I definitely recognized a lot of the material of the deleted scenes from the screenplay.

Of course, reading Witness was a piece of cake, especially it being a Harry movie. I have another DVD waiting today. Dead Heat on a Merry Go Round. (Harry's debut!) If I finish my reading for my history class I'll watch that tomorrow morning. And that may just be the last of the Harry movies I haven't seen!

Also watched Apartment Zero today. Weird. Set in Buenos Aires, an uptight cinema buff with a mom who's going crazy, decides he needs a roomate. He finds one who is James Dean like, but who turns out to be a serial killer working for an Argentinian subversive group. I liked it. The story line was complicated and the ending is well, don't want to spoil it.

So that's one more to mark off my list of Colin Firth Films. I think I'm almost caught up with Colin. Here's my list of "have I seen all their movies?":

1. Harrison Ford
2. Colin Firth
3. Alan Rickman
4. Cary Grant

Notice a trend? 3 Brits and my favorite... if you can count Cary Grant as British... but he was born there, so I guess I can. Maybe I should add Kevin Kline to that list... hmmm. I need to see Pirate of Penzance again. Okay, so I'm rambling... time to shut up now.

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