Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Block Quotes

So I turned in my paper today.  Ingrid had a stapler.  It seems strange, realizing that you don’t personally own a stapler… and that the only one you have is in your classroom, locked away in a closet.  I just might have to go to Staples and get one. 

One of these days it’s going to surprise me how easy it is to write a paper.  It took me all of like two hours and I’d cranked out four pages, plus bib and the source we were supposed to analyze. 

This guy seriously needed an editor.  It took me forever to get through his article.  If I’d have been his teacher I would have handed the mess back to him and told him that you can’t have a page and a half block quote in an eleven page article.  I think I might have had two much fun criticizing his article and not enough describing what questions I would have asked or researched if I had used that primary source.  To me, it seems a little strange to wonder about things like that.  If I have a plan, then I’ll follow it, but why ask a question if you know you’re not going to follow up on it?  Pointless.

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